About Jenny Hamby
Jenny Hamby
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Copywriting, Marketing
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SeminarMarketingPro.com | Hamby Communications, Inc.
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IL 60544
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Jenny Hamby is a copywriter and Certified Guerrilla Marketer who specializes in promoting seminars and other information products. She works primarily with speakers, consultants, coaches and experts who want to use information marketing to create new revenue streams and reach a wider audience. Her multi-channel marketing campaigns have netted response rates as high as 84 percent … on budgets as small as $125.

Since 1995, she has marketed a variety of seminars, books, videos and audiotapes on such diverse topics as financial services, inventory management, negotiations, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), trade show marketing, elder and disability law, behavior-based safety, Enterprise Resource Management, and Internet marketing.

Her roster of past and current clients include top speakers Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen, digital marketer Alex Mandossian, international speaker and life coaching expert Mary Morrissey, entrepreneur and mindset expert John Assaraf, motivational speaker and “The Secret” star Lisa Nichols, Guerrilla Marketing Coach Founder Mitch Meyerson, private lending education company MPactWealth (formerly WealthClasses.com), The Shift Network, NLP experts Tim and Kris Hallbom, author and accelerated learning expert Bobbi DePorter, dating expert Marni Battista, business scaling expert Allison Maslan, EFT expert Dawson Church, Law of Attraction expert Christy Whitman, personal development training company Peak Potentials, and T. Harv Eker, founder of personal development company Peak Potentials.

Jenny graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a double major in journalism and political science and is a 2001 graduate of the Guerrilla Marketing Coach Certification Program, the official training program endorsed by the father of Guerrilla Marketing, Jay Conrad Levinson.  She promoted seminars, books and video training products in the not-for-profit sector before founding Hamby Communications, Inc. in 2000.

Jenny is also the author of “How to Successfully Market Seminars and Workshops,” a home-study guide that shows professionals how to develop marketing plans and promotional materials to fill seminar seat, as well as the co-author, with Lee B. Salz, of Stop Speaking for Free! The Ultimate Guide to Making Money with Webinars.