About Lauren V. Davis
Speaking Topics
Business, Business growth, Business trends, Coaching, Communication/Communications, Customer experience, Customer loyalty, Customer services, Entrepreneurship, First impressions, Influence, Leadership, Marketing, Personal development, Presentation skills, Strategic planning, Success
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Lauren Davis Creative LLC
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CEO / Founder / Consultant
IL 61104
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Lauren Davis is the founder of Lauren Davis Creative, a marketing and branding consultancy that helps speakers and entrepreneurs establish their memorable personal brands resulting in magnetic engagement and life-long clients.

The skills Lauren acquired while building a successful brick-and-mortar record store for 15 years taught her how to see through manipulative “one-hit-wonder” marketing tactics and instead build a personal brand that drives successful meaningful relationships and profits. Today, she offers that same entrepreneurial support (and of course, great music recommendations) for experts around the world.

Lauren is a featured marketing expert in Reader’s Digest, Huffington Post, and on global top-rated podcasts. She also hosts The Real Personal Branding Podcast, a bi-weekly podcast where she uncovers the secrets of personal brand building from some of the top thought-leaders, speakers, authors, and coaches in the world.

Speaker Profile

5 Personal Branding Essentials For Small Business Owners

Learn the 5 Personal Branding Essentials from Lauren, a seasoned entrepreneur and personal branding expert. She will share her own journey of building a successful vinyl record store and how she learned the power of human connection in creating a legendary personal brand and the success it can bring a small business.

Discover why having a personal brand is important for any coach, entrepreneur, or executive, and learn how to answer critical questions to intentionally curate your personal brand.

Attendees will leave with a clear understanding of how to create a personal brand that stands out, adds value, and opens up new opportunities.

Become a Fully Booked Speaker Workshop
Are you a business leader or entrepreneur looking to become a successful speaker?

Successful speakers have a few things in common. They know the customer they serve and their journey to buy. They’ve invested time in their personal brand to make sure they will be found online, and they know how to captivate an audience to make income.

What’s in it for you:
– Audit your speaking presence
– Improve your speaking skills
– Apply for gigs
– Discover your journey from audience to client
– Craft compelling pitches to speak at events
– Build meaningful relationships to support your speaking business

Join the Fully Booked Speaker Workshop to become a successful speaker. Led by award-winning personal brand expert and speaking coach Lauren V Davis, you’ll audit your speaking presence, improve your skills, apply for gigs, discover your journey from audience to client, craft compelling pitches, and build meaningful relationships to support your speaking business.