About Lynne Franklin
Speaking Topics
Coaching, Communication/Communications, Influence, Leadership, Presentation skills, Sales, Storytelling
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Lynne Franklin Wordsmith
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Illinois 60645
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After a boy threatened to kill her with a machete, Lynne started learning all she could about persuasion.

A “neuroscience nerd,” she translates how the brain works into practical strategies that fast-track leaders to be seen, heard and promoted. This includes her 1) PersuasionGPSTM system—a simple, effective way to connect, and 2) viral TEDx Talk on “How to Be a Mind Reader” with 7+ million views (http://bit.ly/2C9CE3G).

Past president of the National Speakers Association Illinois Chapter, a workshop facilitator and communication coach, Lynne wrote Getting Others To Do What You Want. For fun, she performs in community theater. (Ask her about playing a turtle named “Flo.”)

Reach her at lynne@lynnefranklin.com or 847-729-5716.

Speaker Profile

“PersuasionGPS (TM) is my system for presenting your ideas in a way that people can see, hear and feel them,” Lynne says. “Then they can decide if what you’re proposing is right for them. If it’s ‘yes,’ then they’ll say it faster. If it’s ‘no,’ you’ve still built such goodwill that they’ll contact you again if they need this or refer you to others who do. Persuasion is not about getting everyone to say ‘yes,’ it’s about helping people to make good decisions.”

Lynne customizes her interactive keynotes and workshops to each audience, then designs the experience around how the brain works. She’s committed to giving participants more than just a good time when they’re with her. They leave with a clear plan to start taking action right away to make their professional and personal lives better.

Here are some of her most popular topics:

 PersuasionGPS: The Fastest Way to Your Success (tackling an issue her audience suggests)
 Reach Unreachable People: Turn Tough Talks into Positive Change
 Be the Most Persuasive Person in the Room: Build Rapport and Connection

See this page for short videos on these and other topics: https://yourwordsmith.com/workshops/.

Published Books

Getting Others To Do What You Want https://amzn.to/2L56DSp

Coming Soon: PersuasionGPS (TM): The Shortest Route to Your Success