An invitation for aspiring, new and experienced professional speakers...

Map Your Blueprint to Success as a Professional Speaker at Speakers Academy

In Just 6 Sessions, Our Faculty of Established, Experienced Speakers Will Help You Chart Your Course to Speaking Success

registration closes in...


NSA Illinois Speaker Academy

Spring 2024

Want to do better presentations or programs? Set up a speaking business? Make more money as a speaker?

Get the answers at the NSA Illinois Speakers Academy.

Learn the Business of Speaking - From Established, Experienced

Professional Speakers

Professional speaking is a lucrative—but challenging—profession. NSA Illinois’ Speakers Academy provides the resources you need to understand the business of speaking.

The faculty features dedicated, accomplished professionals who make all or part of their living as professional speakers. You’ll learn the speaking business from the inside out from professionals from USA & Europe who have spoken to audiences all around the globe.

Of course, we’ll show you how to enhance your presentation skills. But NSA Illinois’ Speakers Academy focuses on how to develop and market yourself to people at corporations, associations, and organizations who hire—and pay—speakers.

Speakers Academy will help you address core business issues as a professional speaker and answer your pressing questions, like:

Speakers Academy is not just a great educational experience, it is also a fun program where you likely will meet many new friends.

If you’re an emerging or experienced speaker who’s ready to invest in taking your speaking business to a higher level, join NSA Illinois’ Speakers Academy today!

NSA - Illinois

Announcing the NSA-IL Spring 2024

Speakers Academy

January 6 and 20, February 10, March 2 and 23, and April 6, 2024. Sessions are held VIRTUALLY on Saturday mornings from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Build your speaking business in just 6 sessions – with the guidance of established professional speakers! 

Each session contains essential information, ranging from improving platform skills to marketing and running your business. Participants will get the tools they need to succeed as professional speakers.

Let's Take a Closer Look at

What You'll Learn


Session 1:

Orientation and Topic Development (January 6)

We’ll have an overview of the course, highlight the importance of the speaking profession, and all help you 1) identify your area of expertise and 2) how to define and refine your topic for your target audience.

Session 2:

marketing your business (January 20)


Success in the speaking business depends on your ability to sell and market your services.  This class discusses successful strategies for positioning yourself to the people who hire speakers, the importance of the sales cycle, and the marketing techniques to get booked.

Session 3:

revenue stream options (February 10)

Giving a speech isn’t the only way professional speakers build their businesses.  Learn how to expand your platform and profits through books, workbooks, CDs, webinars and other products and services.

Session 4:

managing your business (March 2)

You can be great on the stage, but a lot of your success will depend on what happens behind the scenes. This session focuses on how to set up and maintain the business side of speaking, so you can move this from a hobby into a profit center

Session 5:

On-stage and performance mechanics (March 23)

Developing your skills as a speaker includes your commitment to the profession, the art of presentation skills, and the logistics of speaking from the stage, be it on-site or virtual. You’ll learn how to connect and engage with your audience whether they are 10 yards or 1,000 miles away from you!

Session 6:

Putting It All Together – Best Practices and Graduation (april 6)

Time to take a bow! You’ve gone through the 10-module workbook, heard from top-notch speakers, and now it’s time to give your own speech.  Everyone gets a little stage time.  Then we end the class by celebrating with the representatives of the NSA Illinois Board and our very own chapter CSPs.

Discover Why Graduates Rave About the NSA Illinois

Speakers Academy

When you register, you’ll receive a seat at this full-day, live and in-person speaker showcase, featuring exciting presentations by 10 elite professional speakers. You’ll also get:

Meet Your NSA-IL Speakers Academy


Speaker Academy is delighted to have three respected industry voices as Co-Deans – Kevin O’Connor, CSP, IrishmanSpeaks – Conor Cunneen, and Laticia Thompson, Ph.D. They will present the core syllabus of Speakers Academy each week.

These gifted speakers have decades of speaking experience and live “The Spirit of Cavett” by generously sharing their wisdom and hard-won lessons to support future generations of speakers.

About IrishmanSpeaks-Conor Cunneen

Conor is an Irishman, happily exiled in Chicago where he says the Guinness is good, the natives are friendly and he has been force fed more corned beef and green beer than he ever had in Ireland. As a keynote speaker and consultant for clients from Harley-Davidson to Helsinki, Conor’s Mission is to Improve People, Performance and Productivity – with a Smile! He is the author of five books, including two on Mark Twain. Conor is a Chicago Humorous Speaker of the Year, a Fellow of the Marketing Institute of Ireland. As an Irish immigrant, he is proud to have received the President’s Gold Medal for Volunteer Service from President Obama for the work he does with the unemployed.  He is a Metallica fan.

Conor Cunneen

About Kevin O'Connor, CSP

Kevin is a physician educator and healthcare consultant, author and presenter specializing in professionals leading teams of their fellow professionals, often their former peers. He is faculty for the American Association for Physician Leadership and the American College of Healthcare Executives. He teaches graduate and undergraduate students at Chicago’s Loyola University. He has three masters’ degrees, has authored eight books, and holds the CSP, Certified Speaking Professional, designation from the National Speakers Association, awarded to fewer than 600 persons in the world who hold this honor for speaking and teaching excellence. 

Conor and Kevin will be joined each week by additional speakers with expertise in that week’s subject matter. In addition, we’ve invited an array of national speakers from across the U.S. to share their insights and best advice with you at each session.

Kevin O'Connor

About Laticia "Dr. Tish" thompson, Ph.d.

Dr. Laticia (Tish) Thompson, PhD is the Founder and Chief Business Psychologist of Legacy Blueprint, LLC. A management consulting firm that teaches people how to play in the workplace sandbox respectfully and productively with each other. She is known for driving change in organizations that stick and creating a learning experience that’s fun, thought-provoking and capitalizes on the knowledge in the room.

Dr. Tish has over 17 years of experience in leadership development, executive coaching, employee experience and delivering impactful keynote addresses.

Dr. Tish is a mother of four, a five-time marathon finisher and never has a bad hair day.

Laticia (Tish) Thompson Ph.D. NSA Illinois

Meet Your NSA-IL Spring 2024

Speakers Academy Faculty

National guest experts include...

Terry Brock, CSP, MBA, is an internationally recognized speaker and trainer in the areas of technology, the Internet and marketing. He has taught people from organizations such as Marriott Corporation, Avon Products, Michelin Tires, Caterpillar, National Education Association, the Federal Reserve Bank and many others. He is a regular columnist for business journals across America where his column, Succeeding Today, is carried regularly. He frequently appears on radio and TV and once interviewed Magic Johnson for American Express. 

Terry will be speaking about “All Things Tech and AI for Speakers.” You’ll discover:

  • Latest tech info for Speakers
  • How AI can grow your business
  • Overcome fear and embrace ever-changing tools.
Learn more about Terry and what he’ll be sharing here.

Bill Cates, CSP, CPAE, is the author of four popular books on business growth through Communicating Value, Word of Mouth, Referrals, and Introductions: Get More Referrals Now, Don’t Keep Me a Secret, Beyond Referrals, and Radical Relevance. Bill is the president of Referral Coach International and the creator of The Referral Advantage Program.

Bill’s referral system has been featured in such publications as Success Magazine, Entrepreneur Magazine, Selling Power and The Wall Street Journal. And his own business success has been featured in Money Magazine. Thousands of sales professionals and small business owners are using Bill’s Referral System to build their business with quality referrals.

Bill will be speaking about “Business Development & Referrals.” You’ll discover:

  • Grow your business via referrals
  • The Power of Word of Mouth
  • Turn referrals into high-quality introductions

Lois Creamer works with speakers and organizations that want book more business, make more money and fully monetize their message. She is the author of “Book More Business: MAKE MONEY SPEAKING”, and “The Speaker Author: Sell More Books and Book More Speeches”.

Lois’ consulting practice has many top-notch professional speakers as clients, including Jack Canfield, Jeffrey Gitomer, Patricia Fripp, Karyn Buxman and many others. The National Speakers Association has asked her to present at many of its national conventions, as well as sending her to every member chapter in the United States. Many call her “The Speaker’s Speaker”!

Lois will be speaking about “How to Get More Bookings.” You’ll discover:

  • How to position yourself
  • Who makes the booking decisions
  • The Phrase that pays for each client

Nancy Giere brings 30+ years of experience to the table. She’s delivered high-value solutions and successful outcomes to many clients, including private corporations and public agencies throughout the United States. Nancy will focus on how you can deliver new sources of revenue via online programs.

Nancy will be speaking about “How to Deliver New Sources of Revenue via Online Programs.” 

Ed Rigsbee

Ed Rigsbee, CSP helps speakers understand how to get business with associations. Ed is the President of Rigsbee Enterprises, Inc., established in 1981. He is obsessed with helping individuals and organizations to both receive and give more return on investment (ROI) in everything that they do. He primarily helps associations to elevate business relationships from ordinary to extraordinary; in service, results and profitability. Ed is the originator of the “Member ROI Valuation Process” and term, “Member ROI-Centric Organization.”

Ed will be speaking about “Getting Booked with Associations.” You’ll discover:

  • Secrets to getting booked with Associations
  • Spin off potential from Associations
  • Understand the Association / AMC universe

AND ESTEEMED Chapter faculty include...

John Blumberg CSP NSA Illinois

John Blumberg is a national speaker inspiring a movement to build value with core values. Through a laser focus on the intersection of personal values and core values, John speaks with organizations to drive real alignment, genuine engagement and authentic service.

John is the author of Silent Alarm. It is a parable of hope for busy professionals. John is also the author of GOOD to the CORE: Building Value with Values. John is currently back in the writing process with his newest book due for publication in early 2014. It is simply called ROI: Return On Integrity!


Christopher Carter is the communication skills expert that helps leaders build relationships.

With an academic background teaching theater and communication, plus 30 years as a professional speaker, entertainer, and corporate emcee, Christopher gives leaders the tools they need to establish trust and credibility, build a powerful personal presence, and truly connect with their teams. He has presented to thousands of associations, corporations, and universities, including: The Million Dollar Roundtable, Medical Group Managers Association, Government Finance Officers Association, Land Improvement Contractors Association, National Equipment Dealers Association, John Deere Equipment, ExxonMobil, United Airlines, and many, many more.

Bill Guertin

Bill Guertin, “The 800-Pound Gorilla of Sales Performance,” is a 30+ year sales expert and presenter whose sales strategies are in use in the ticket sales departments of over 100 professional sports teams throughout the US, Canada and Mexico. He is the author of two books on sales and marketing, and serves as Chief Learning Officer of ISBI 360, a virtual training, sales and recruiting network specifically for executives in sports and entertainment.

Patricia Martin

Patricia Martin is a researcher, author and podcaster. She travels the world giving talks for private clients including American Express, The City of Houston, YPO and MIT, as well as public events with audiences ranging from 30 to 1,000 attendees.

Nashunda Jewels Williams is head of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at global professional services firm JLL where she collaborates closely with teams across the company to execute DEI strategy. Nashunda has been deeply involved in JLL’s DEI initiatives, leading the Empower–Black Professionals Network in the U.S. for several years and founding and heading JLLT’s global diversity and inclusion committee.

Rosie Zilinskas NSA Illinois

Rosie Zilinskas is Executive Career Strategist @ No Woman Left Behind. She is a certified High-Performance Coach helping corporate women articulate their worth with massive confidence, conviction and clarity

Bonus Workshop

How to Craft Your Signature Talk

Your signature talk is the presentation you want to be known for as soon as someone hears your name. It’s a way to position yourself as an expert – and sell your products, services, and yes, additional speaking engagements.

Creating a powerful signature talk is so much more than speaking about a subject you’ve mastered. To do its job — winning the hearts and minds of your audience, as well as influencing the meeting professionals who will hire you — your signature talk must be carefully structured.

During this half-day virtual workshop, taught by Speakers Academy Co-Deans IrishmanSpeaks-Conor Cunneen and Kevin O’Connor, CSP, you’ll discover:

But the hardest step is getting the first draft of your signature talk written. During this hands-on workshop, Kevin and Conor will guide you step-by-step through the process of drafting your signature talk. You’ll walk away with a solid start — and a clear plan to finish your draft and continue developing your presentation.

Details about this workshop, including the date, are being finalized. As a member of the Spring 2024 Speakers Academy, you’ll be able to attend for free and receive access to the recording. 

Your Investment

A positive ROI with just one speaking gig!

This investment in your future success is a modest $895, which includes all six 4-hour classes, the bonus signature talk workshop, PLUS a complimentary ticket to our June 2024 Elevate and Celebrate an event. You could easily recoup your investment with your next paid speaking engagement! 

Please note: Once accepted and registered for NSA Illinois’s Speakers Academy, your program tuition will not be refunded. However, make-up sessions are available for one year following the current session. 

Speakers Academy

Dates / Times / Location



Each session will be from 9:00am to 1:00pm.


All sessions will take place on Zoom.

“Can't Make a Session?”

No problem! You’ll receive a recording so you can stay caught up. And if needed, Kevin O’Connor will meet with you before the next session to answer any questions you have.

You’ll also have the option of attending a make-up session anytime within the next year.

Frequently Asked


No problem! You’ll receive a recording so you can stay caught up. And if needed, Kevin O’Connor will meet with you before the next session to answer any questions you have.

You’ll also have the option of attending a make-up session anytime within the next year.

Speakers Academy covers a lot of valuable material, and the speaking industry is always changing. Many of our graduates take the program more than once to keep developing their skills.

You may review the program one time for a steeply discounted reviewers fee within 5 years of attending Speakers Academy for the first time.

If you have reviewed the program already and/or if you first attended Speakers Academy for full-price more than five years ago, you are welcome to participate again. However, you will not receive the reviewers rate.

You will gain tips on performance. However, the bulk of the curriculum focuses on the business of speaking.

The bulk of the program focuses on the business of speaking. However, you will do some speaking during the program (for example, practicing introductions).

As a capstone project, you will have the opportunity to deliver a 5-minute presentation to your peers and select NSA Illinois guests.

Your Future Is


We host Speakers Academy only twice a year. Don’t put off your participation until “later.” Enroll now for the Spring 2024 Session.

Questions? Contact Christy Moore at 847-991-0772 and

Spring 2024 NSA Illinois Speakers Academy

Enrollment Form

I understand that Speakers Academy is delivered via 6 half-day virtual training sessions.

I agree that if I am unable to attend any sessions that:

I understand that I may retake Speakers Academy ONE time within 5 years after I first enroll in Speakers Academy for a steeply discounted tuition. (If I wish to retake Speakers Academy more than once and/or if I wish to retake Speakers Academy more than five years after I first enrolled, I will pay the regular tuition rate, less any discount I may be entitled to as an early bird enrollee and/or NSA-IL member in good standing.)

Finally, I understand that my enrollment is final and my tuition will not be refunded. If I am unable to participate, I may be able to transfer my registration to the next Speakers Academy if I contact the NSA-IL office up to 14 days before the program start date. I may transfer my registration to another person at any point up until 48 hours before the program start date.