About Kevin E. O'Connor, CSP
Speaking Topics
Healthcare, Influence, Leadership, Presentation skills, Team building
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Kevin E. O'Connor and Associates, Ltd.
Job Title
Professional Speaker and Executive Coach
Long Grove
IL 60047
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Kevin E. O’Connor, CSP is a physician educator and healthcare consultant, author and presenter specializing in professionals leading teams of their fellow professionals, often their former peers. He is faculty for the American Association for Physician Leadership and the American College of Healthcare Executives. He teaches graduate and undergraduate students at Chicago’s Loyola University. He has three masters’ degrees, has authored eight books, and holds the CSP, Certified Speaking Professional, designation from the National Speakers Association, awarded to fewer than 600 persons in the world who hold this honor for speaking and teaching excellence.

Published Books
  • Present Like A Pro: A Field Guide to Mastering the Art of Business, Professional, and Public Speaking (St. Martin’s)
  • Speak Up: A Woman’s Guide to Presenting Like A Pro (St. Martin’s)
  • Fearless Facilitation: The Ultimate Field Guide to Engaging (and Involving!) Your Audience (Wiley/Pfeiffer)
  • Handbook for Ministers of Care (LTP, Chicago)