About Parissa Behnia
Speaking Topics
Influence, Leadership, Management, Personal development
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Sixense Strategy
FL 34102
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Discover how to let every person shine. Parissa Behnia knows that the people labeled “difficult” can often be your organization’s shining stars–with the right set of skills. In Parissa’s organization-changing presentations, she teaches the boldest and brashest leaders how to be true to themselves while also bringing everyone along with them as they envision a better future with more possibilities. She’ll also teach leaders how to integrate disrupters in a way that enhances the organization and the individual. Parissa works side by side with leaders to help them recognize and achieve goals. Harnessing the power of the firebrand within you and within your organization, you’ll be able to achieve more, in ways you never thought possible.

Parissa’s exciting and ground-breaking book, Modern Badass: Tales from the Leadership Front, is a love-letter to everyone who’s ever been told they’re “too much.” Parissa knows first-hand what it’s like to be a modern badass, the person who tends to go a figurative 85 MPH in a 45 MPH zone. Audience members experience a personal sense of relief as they understand that other people have the same experiences. Parissa’s clients feel seen, heard, understood, and respected. Her clear, authoritative presentations are deeply personal and informative while providing actionable insights into changes that can be made by both organizations and their badass leaders.

Parissa’s experience in the business world has made her the authority on how to guide the Modern Badass in your life–whether it’s you or someone you know. She’s an iPEC Certified Professional Coach with a BA from Northwestern University and an MBA from NYU’s Stern School of Business. Parissa knows how to navigate being a Badass in any organization. Her extensive work in the Chicago entrepreneurial community includes board member, advisor, and angel investor. Parissa’s passion is fostering the growth of creative minds, and she loves to help leaders from all walks of life grow their leadership and organizations.

Past Clients Include

● SWFL Women in Investment Management

“We would like to extend our sincere appreciation to Parissa Behnia for her empowering presentation at our most recent event. Parissa’s insights and expertise were invaluable, and we hope that all attendees found the experience as enriching as we did.”

● Medrano & Cail

“The modern badass herself, Parissa Behnia, shared her wisdom and made sure we all knew how valuable we are and how we stand out. I even won the ‘What would Beyoncé do’ cup!!” -J.C.

● Consilio

“We invited Parissa to speak to our DEI Advisory Board and members of our WE-Together women’s affinity group in honor of Women’s History Month. In this fun and thought-provoking session (which included Beyoncé as inspiration), Parissa helped our attendees (re)discover their inner badasses. Her message deeply resonated with our group as we all had individual and collective moments where we identified and shared our unique take on our badassery. Specifically, we touched on why clarity on our core identity matters, the inherent fun in leaning into risk and remembering the joy of play we had as children. We have the knowledge and the tools to tap into our power as leaders and how we can bring our Badass qualities to the forefront of our leadership.” – M.O.

Published Books

Modern Badass: Tales From the Leadership Front: https://a.co/d/0f2hee8u