NSA-IL Chapter Champion: Jeff Rogers
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NSA-IL Chapter Champion
2024 Storytelling Competition, Last Story Standing
Jeff Rogers
The Last Story Standing Competition uncovered impressive talent in 2024. This was the first year of the Storytelling Competition among NSA Chapters. 22 chapters submitted chapter finalists for the regional competition. As chapter champion, Jeff advanced to the regional competition.
Jeff learned the importance of teamwork from being born tenth of eleven children.
But he also learned that “if you want to eat in a big family…Be Creative!”
Since then, his life mission is to get people to unleash their innate creative genius in order to reach their goals.
As an alumni of the Second City Theater, performing with comedy geniuses Steve Carell, Stephen Colbert and Tina Fey to achieving certifications in Design Thinking and Innovation from Harvard, Stanford, and MIT; he discovered two monumental truths about creativity: everyone is creative and you do not need to be a genius!
To hear his simple, two-word solution for unleashing your innate creative genius, please view Jeff Rogers 5-minute video!

About NSA Illinois
National Speakers Association Illinois is the recognized community for professional speakers and presenters. Our members have expertise in content, platform excellence and business knowledge. This allows them to connect with audiences on subjects that promote growth potential and inspiration for success. NSA Illinois was designated an “elite” chapter by the National Speakers Association for its level of participation, member support, and member achievements. Visit us at an upcoming event!